NSF GRANTED: Building Capacity for Grant Submissions at Your Institution

Individual at laptop holding a lightbulb.

Does your nonprofit/campus need to build capacity for natural science, engineering, and social science grants? Are you strapped for time when it comes to contacting program officers, comparing grant opportunities, and/or writing grants?

The NSF wants to fund you to prepare yourself to write grants!

Here are 3 Qs to ask yourself regarding the NSF Granted grant opportunity:

1.    Does your institution need to build capacity to write grant applications?
2.    Is yours an “emerging research institution” (defined as either R2, R3, and primarily undergraduate institutions, or community colleges)?
3.    Do you need to improve research support and capacity?

Please note that NSF welcomes community colleges as applicants. This is a great opportunity to hire grants professionals so as to help you create a culture of STEM grants on your campus/at your nonprofit.

The link to NSF Granted is in the comments.

#highereducationleadership #communitycollege #nsf #nsffunded #grants #grantwriting #grantfunding #stem #stemeducation Association of Independent Colleges & Universities in Massachusetts (AICUM) Council of Independent Colleges

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